Drippy Early Evening Hike
After an afternoon of intermittent thundershowers, we took a quick hike at Lester Park and sniffed out a new waterfall that I'd been meaning to find for several months. It was beautiful. Mr. SP and The Banana were especially great hikers, even through a bout of sprinkles. Ya Ya was pretty mopey, but it helped to have Dr. Peds along for the journey (in doctor clothes because he was on call . . . he claimed to have missed the message about our going to Lester Park to go on a HIKE before we played at the playground). This hike was especially nice for small kids because it was really quite easy, and not long, and had the reward of a great little waterfall at the end. We will definitely be visiting again.
I loved the light coming through the trees in the "spooky forest" as we walked back from the waterfall. It was such a nice evening, and such a nice little excursion before driving home and making a quick supper and diving into the perils of evening clean up. The kidlets love to make a creative mess, and despise getting it under control again at bedtime.