Been Doing a Lot of Whispering


The truth of the matter is that this is the fourth day in a row that I have been stricken with laryngitis.  Not just a scratchy throat, I have been suffering through full blown laryngitis.  I have been whispering for 4 days, including the last few days I was helping at VBS at our church and one day of very quiet piano lesson instruction.   Because there is no "mean mommy voice" available, I have been doing a lot of very loud, emphatic hand clapping and hissing to try to maintain a sense of order around here. It's not really working.  And I can't answer the telephone.  I'm really very tired of the situation.  

But isn't this flower nice?  I think it is supposed to be a yellow flower, but the bumble bees got a few things mixed up, and I think the way the colors blend together is really magnificent.  

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