Sunday Night at the Rocky Beach: The Half-Birthday Edition

Sunday was Ya Ya’s half birthday. A few days earlier I asked her how she’d like to celebrate. She replied that she really wanted to have brunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Sara’s Table (the other kidlets are very jealous that she has a local restaurant named after her), that she wanted to be able to skip all of her cleaning chores for the day, eat cupcakes from Coldstone, and that she wanted to go to the rocky beach, or Barnes and Nobles if it was raining. We obliged. Dr. Peds was working and on call all of the day, but he managed to meet us for brunch and for a brief time at the rocky beach. He brought the cupcakes and all three kidlets greatly enjoyed eating them atop a rock on the beach. It was a nice break from all the jumping and splashing and dragon slaying. They developed a complicated game where The Banana was a beautiful princess who needed to be protected from a horde of dragons. There was a lot of imaginary sword thrusting and plenty of pampering for the princess. We stayed until they were frozen in their bones, and then we drove home. The Banana and Mr. SP got through their cleaning chores at an amazing pace so they could give Ya Ya some pictures they had drawn for her, which were accompanied by a stencil lettering book she’d been admiring for some time and a gift certificate for a little trip to Barnes and Nobles. Ya Ya has been making signs with the stencils all day today.