Smore Story
It is a family tradition to have fancy Smores at the cabin. Auntie Dot usually spearheads the effort and brings all sorts of yummy supplies to the campfire. Unfortunately Auntie Dot was not able to share our cabin weekend with us this year (along with grandma and all those little cousins).
Enter: Cousin Janzie to save the day! Cousin Janzie actually looks almost exactly like Auntie Dot, and she sat down next to the campfire with a tray of Smore Supplies and announced, “I’m Auntie Dot!”
Because there were no little cousins, roasting marshmallows and assembling the Smores was a strangely unchaotic experience. No one got burned or poked. There was no rush on chocolate or crackers. I’m not even certain that any of the marshmallows actually caught fire. It was disturbingly calm.
Normally each person is limited to two Smores with two squares of chocolate (or one candy bar of some sort) and no more than two marshmallows per Smore, to keep things fair, equal, and create some kind of a needed boundary around the experience so it doesn’t divulge into utter mayhem. YaYa was in the middle of roasting her marshmallows and looked over at Cousin Janzie to ask, “If I only have one Smore, could I have chocolate and a peanut butter cup all at once?”
“Sure, you can do whatever you want” Cousin Janzie calmly replied.
We all gasped! “Auntie Dot . . . without the RULES!!!!”
For the record, YaYa said it was the ultimate Smore, the best she’s ever eaten. She enjoyed every bite.
And although the Smore eating was a peaceful affair, and even though my peanut butter Smores were amazing (I did eat two), I hope that all those little people and Auntie Dot herself is back next time. We missed them.