About the Name
This was hands down the baby that Dr. Peds and I had the most difficulty deciding what to name. We went back and forth and back and forth on what his first name was to be, and actually had pretty much decided on the option that wasn’t Isaiah, but on the way to the hospital we both decided we actually DID like Isaiah better. So, we told everyone his name was Isaiah, and then the next day Dr. Peds contemplated changing the name! I said, “No way! I like Isaiah, and that would be way too confusing!” Isaiah it is, except that sometimes it’s hard to remember to call him that, and other names slip out, like the other big option for a first name, or the name Alex (who is Auntie Dot’s baby). I think I need to go around the house singing “Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah” so it rolls off my tongue easier!
The middle name Gunder is actually my Grandpa Tuffy’s middle name. I have always liked it, and one of my very favorite childhood memories is me standing at the end of the living room while Grandpa was sitting in his recliner at the other end. I’d chant “Irvin Gunder sounds like thunder” in a sing song voice and Grandpa would leap out of his chair and thunder across the floor in his cowboy boots as I would squeal and take off down the long hallway for the safety of the bathroom at the other end. This pattern repeated itself over and over and over again. It was highly entertaining.
The middle name Elias is Greg’s Grandpa Don’s middle name. Grandpa Don was a very special person to all of us, and actually passed away the morning before Isaiah was born. We have wonderful memories of his long and detailed stories and his penchant for dates and numbers and structure and details.
On the blog, however, you will probably find me referring to this new member of our family as “Squirmy.” He is definitely squirmy. When he’s awake, he’s moving, or would like someone else to be moving him. If you’ve been around this blog for a long time, you might recall that sometimes nicknames for the kidlets change. The Banana has always been The Banana, but Ya Ya for a long time was Ms. Crazy Preschooler, until she outgrew her preschool status. Mr. Sneaky Pants was Gus for a bit, and then something else I believe, before he ended up as Mr. SP. I don’t know how long Squirmy will still be Squirmy, but I think it’s perfect for right now.
One Comment
gramma jan
Perfect pics, Rachel. Love the expressions on faces as they hold
and examine their brother. It was so good to hear your voice last
nite and know we’d soon have pics. Take care, love you, gramma j.