Back at the Hospital
Here’s Squirmy’s first photo:
The kidlets came to visit in the late afternoon of our first day in the hospital. They all brought their own cameras to document the events, so you will probably see some images on their own blogs from their perspective in the next couple of days, when things settle down a bit more. It was quite humorous. They took lots of pictures of Squirmy and all of his baby parts, and then they photographed my IV pole, the pulse monitor, the IV cords, my hospital bed, my supper on its tray, and all sorts of exciting things. It was very busy, and there was lots of snuggling Squirmy and holding him, and even some help feeding him a snack.
A couple of our neighbors and friends came to say a quick hello while we were there, and one even brought me chocolate (yum).
Ya Ya came one morning all by herself and spent several hours quietly hanging around my room so nicely. She snuggled on my bed and we went through the American Girl Doll catalog (which I usually sneak into recycling before it’s discovered) three times and we analyzed all the merchandise, dolls and stories together. She went to lunch with Dr. Peds at our favorite restaurant and she brought me her leftoveres.
Mr. Sneaky Pants was absolutely fascinated with all the cords and machines I was hooked up to on the first day and gave me lots and lots of loves.
Dr. Peds visited by himself every night and took care of Squirmy (who was very, very high maintenance in the hospital) when I was at my very tiredest. I was so grateful.
The Banana came by herself the day I was going home from the hospital and was just a gem. She sang lullabies to her baby brother and helped pack everything back up into the suitcase to come home, and talked to him in the backseat all the way home and while we were stopped at the pharmacy filling prescriptions.
One Comment
Sophie Linde
Ooh these pictures are precious!! I love the kids faces, each one is exactly what I thought it would be. Hannah, pure pleasure and happiness. Sarah, happy but still a bit skeptical. Noah, so so thrilled to finally have the long-awaited brother.