Visiting the Greats
We had a good visit with Grandma Great and Grandpa Great. They enjoyed watching the kidlets spring about in their home, and we enjoyed Grandpa's stories and Grandma's wit and twinkling eyes. It was particularly good to see Grandma reading. Grandma is a big reader, and it is one of the reasons I fell in love with her the first time I met her when Dr. Peds and I were dating. We sat at the table and talked all about reading. In the past few years Grandma had some trouble with her eyes, and reading became very difficult, which was terribly sad. I loved seeing her with a book in hand often on this trip.
I loved this picture of Grandpa reading the newspaper. He reads it every day. No matter what.
One of my very favorite moments was watching The Banana play with Grandma Great. Grandma Great is in fragile condition. The Banana knew, however, that she'd want to play toys, of course, so she walked right over and handed her a helicopter and a fire truck. Grandma drove the vehicles around on her lap, and The Banana made a road out of her arm and shoulder for another car. They were having a delightful time, and The Banana brought all the toys over and set them on Grandma Great's lap. Grandma Great was just grinning under a pile of toys. The Banana was singing away and reading her story books.