Stroller rides: Peanut Maximus loves his stroller. Sometimes he’s awake and calm and looking around while rolling down the sidewalk( it is quite rare for him to be awake and calm in general), and other times he falls fast asleep from all the jostling. Either way, a stroller ride seems to often be the best pathway to a peaceful block of time these days, and so we’ve been taking advantage of that by incorporating quite a bit of walking in the day. The weather has been lovely for this.
Cloth diapers: I switched to cloth diapers way back when The Banana was a baby, and I really haven’t ever looked back since then. I am so grateful not to have to throw something away every time I change a diaper! For the first few weeks of life we do use disposable diapers while everything heals up, but when we were able to switch to cloth with Peanut Maximus, I was so relieved! Adios guilt! For the record, Dr. Peds is not as much of a fan as I am, but for the most part he rolls his eyes and complies. (He does have a package of disposables that he dives into in times of stress, though). Mr. TOF has already taken “cloth diaper training” and is ready to assist. He doesn’t enjoy putting the dirty diaper into the wash bag, though. The Banana is a little fearful to try diaper changes at the moment, but her day is coming soon!!!
Listening to my iPod with headphones: In an effort to redeem all the time I find myself sitting in a rocking chair feeding, rocking, and holding the adorable baby-in-residence, I have started listening to my iPod, which has been stationed next to the rocking chair unless I’m out with the stroller. I like rocking my favorite Peanut, but I found myself sitting there thinking of all the things I wasn’t doing while I was rocking and getting stressed out. The iPod has been the perfect distraction. I’ve been listening to audiobooks, podcasts, and a lot of music depending on my mood, and it has been great.
A Stake for the Pilea Plant: One of my favorite houseplants has had a few months of wonderful growth, but it was getting a little unstable. Dr. Peds brought home a dowel and Mr. TOF cut it to the appropriate length and I tied the main stem to the rod with string. The Pilea plant is doing great again and feels so secure.