2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 2

Various teenage Kidlets were arriving back with burritos from Qdoba when I was heading out the door with Peanut Maximus to go to the beach. The Banana needed to get back to studying, but the Devious Snail and Company jumped in the van with me. I offered to let them pick the beach, but they were indecisive, so we ended up sneaking into the rocky beach (still mostly closed for construction, but no construction was happening on a holiday weekend).

Peanut Maximus could hardly stand the short stroller ride from the car to the water. He wanted to get next to that water immediately. Why was it taking so long? He could SEE it! Plus, there were rocks everywhere.

Indeed, the evening was filled with sticks and rocks, sticks and rocks. He threw rocks of every size and shape into the water.

The waves were lovely! I love watching them roll in, and I love the sound of the rushing, rhythmic water. The light was gorgeous.

The Devious Snail and Company built balanced rock towers and found a stick that looked like a sinister claw.

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