Camp Aunt Rachel: Session One

Cousin Elizabeth came for a few days! There were countless games of Taco Vs. Burrito with Mr. TOF and YaYa, hiking outings, visits to the playground and the beach. She collected sea glass and some driftwood to paint with YaYa one evening when it was raining. There was puddle stomping with Peanut Maximus, books to be read, and many things to do outside in the yard when it wasn’t raining. We climbed trees and battled mosquitos. The Banana took her to waffle breakfast adventure one morning, just the two of them, and numerous big cousins stole away with her on a secret trip to get ice cream. She helped The Banana thoroughly clean her car, with extensive scrubbing of floor mats. At Camp Aunt Rachel you can stay up as late as you want and don’t have to take a nap, and that is what this young lady did! She was awake until after midnight with her big cousins and she did not give into a nap in any shape or form, even when we had to jump out of bed at 5:30 a.m. to see Hannah run in a race one morning. I am certain she went home utterly exhausted.

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