2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 5

It was Father’s Day, and EVERYONE was home for the day. We went to church together in the morning (and almost took up a whole big long pew to ourselves!) and then decided to load everyone up in the van in the late afternoon to get Vitta Pizza on the way to the beach. Seven people makes for a full van! It was the most hilarious car ride ever. They were all in rare form.

We stopped to pick up the pizza and then headed to the end of Park Point. Only a little sand made it into the pizza. YaYa actually ordered a Caesar salad with flatbread, but we forgot to make sure the fork was included, so she ended up eating it with her hands. After the pizza was finished off, she was still eating her salad (eating without a fork is a bit less efficient) and the sibling vultures descended upon her, scooping up chunks of lettuce.

This was our first trip to the sandy beach this season, and Peanut Maximus was NOT a fan of the texture of the sand on his bare feet. He eventually got used to it, but even at the end, he was pretty happy to get his shoes back. He spent his time hurling sticks and stones into the water, of course, as well as walking along the beach with this person or that.

After a bit Dr. Peds arrange for a rock skipping challenge. Those that met the challenge could get ice cream on the way back at Love Creamery. There was much calculating of rock skips.

I was sitting nicely in the sand watching all the entertainment, when the Devious Snail came up to me with a closed fist telling me he had a gift for me. It seemed suspicious, but he wouldn’t tell me what it was, and insisted that I let him place it into my bare hand. This was really, really difficult for me. Was it going to be some creepy crawly thing? Something slimy and nasty? Everyone seemed to know what it was except for me and they were all laughing maniacally, which made me all the more suspicious, and I had the hardest time opening my hand to accept what was in his fist. I had to close my eyes and cringe, and everything! In the end, it was a nice dry heart shaped stone. How lovely and sweet! They all got such a charge out of the whole episode.

On the way home they were all still in rare form, and hearkening back to her early childhood, The Banana decided to narrate everything happening inside and outside of the car in dramatic song. It was quite the hilarious recitative , and I was laughing so hard I could barely see to drive through the tears in my eyes.

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