Early Summer Observations

  • A friend of mine who has kids that line up in ages similar to my kidlets, minus the toddler of course, mentioned that when people ask her about how summer is going her go to response was, “Full house, empty cupboards!” I thought ti was pretty perfect! I am well aware that I might not have many, if any, more summers when all my kidlets are around so much of the time, and I’m cherishing that as much as possible. Also, these people can eat an unpredictable amount of food.
  • Something I would not have predicted in life is that seeing our last name on the back of baseball jerseys and swim caps and other such uniforms actually brings me a zap of joy.
  • Deer are OUT for breakfast at dawn. I’ve been out driving kids at that time of day a few times this summer, and it’s a crazy hour. Also, The Banana hit a deer on the highway with the van a few days ago at dawn. She’s fine (as were passengers), and the van is mostly fine, minus a headlight and blinker. We gained an additional dent.
  • Places like the duck pond in the cemetery and our neighborhood playground, which I haven’t been to that often in the past few years just never get old for kids, and I am so looking forward to enjoying them again for the next few years with Peanut Maximus. I get such a charge out of the ducks and geese in the cemetery pond. They are a riot, and I had forgotten how much fun watching them can be.
  • Toddlers and teenagers, left to their natural tendencies, have completely opposite schedules. It feels like my active parenting never ends.
  • The sound of teenagers erging on the rowing machine is such a relaxing whooshing sound for me. The sound of lawnmowers never ceases to give me anxiety and guilt. Even though I am so happy they are mowing the lawn and I’m not, there is some innate feeling that I SHOULD be mowing the lawn when I hear the lawnmower, whether it is our own lawnmower or a neighbor mowing. It stems from my childhood. It is the opposite for my rowers. They have no issue with the sound of lawnmowers, but they can tell from a distance if the sound of the erg is not quite right, a little off, a little fast, a little slow, a little sloggy, etc. and it makes some of them a little twitchy.

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