2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 6

Cousin Elizabeth left for home, and on the way we did a switcharoo for Cousin Katherine! Dr. Peds did the transporting Sunday afternoon, and Cousin Katherine made it back just in time for a trip to the sandy beach! She literally got out of one vehicle and into the next. The beach is a great place to stretch out after a long car ride, and it was a beautiful evening.

The air and water were unpredictably warmer than we expected. The Banana did not even come prepared with a swimsuit. After sitting on the sand wistfully, she decided to just go for a swim anyway. Of course, Peanut Maximus wanted to join her! The chilly water didn’t phase him one bit.

Tiny sand sculptures were created with sticks and bits of driftwood. Lots of small pebbles were thrown into the water. The Banana practiced some headstands. We watched boats out on the water and stayed as long as we could.

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