2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 10

It was a beautiful evening, and since Mr. TOF and Dr. Peds were in the Cities for a baseball tournament, we didn’t need to be back to pick anyone up from baseball practice, so we headed up the shore a tiny bit to Stony Point. Peanut Maximus loved scrambling over all the boulders and chasing the seagulls. You can see him signing “Bird” in a few of these images. YaYa did a lot of chasing, and Peanut Maximus loves to be swooped up. He is quite adept at making a fast getaway. Peanut Maximus had fun splashing in the little puddles in the cracks of the flat worn slabs of rock. The waves were sloshy and lovely to watch. It was a slightly hazy evening, which meant that the golden light was disused and glowing.

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