Bike at the Farm

Peanut Maximus and I dropped The Banana off at All State orchestra in Moorhead, and since we were already 2/3 the way to Grandma Robbie’s house, we drove a little farther to see Grandma in the Flesh (not just on a screen!) Right before we drove away from home early in the morning, I saw the balance bike sitting next to the door, and on a whim I grabbed it and threw it in the van. I’m so glad I did, because Peanut Maximus simply had the best time riding it all over the farm. He went up the driveway, down the driveway, around in circles. Down the ditch. Up the ditch. Repeat and repeat! He rode down the big hill where the silage pile used to be and over by the barn, and all around Grandma’s yard. He went EVERYWHERE, and fast.

In the beginning of the summer, Peanut Maximus wasn’t too sure about using the balance bike, but a few weeks in he decided it wasn’t so scary after all, and it has become THE THING to do every day all summer long. Usually he’s restricted to a sidewalk with me following close at his side to keep him out of the street (he’s not usually a great listener at this point) so having the freedom to go anywhere on the farm was a very special treat.

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