Number 88
Usually Mr. TOF is number 8 (his favorite number), but this year someone on his team already was number 8, so he decided to be number 88. Double the luck!
Mr. TOF had a great baseball season playing on a great team with coaches who were pretty much liquid calm in the world of baseball coaches. (I’m so grateful for that!). He pitched, played first base some of the times and learned to play center field too. It was a challenge bringing Peanut Maximus to baseball games, but we did make it to some of them. Dr. Peds traveled to the out of town tournaments and managed the logistics of getting Mr. TOF to a lot of the in-town tournaments too.
The last game of the season was at a local tournament, and his team was playing for the championship. It was one of the most riveting baseball games I’ve ever been to (3 or 4 extra innings that had to be modified with runners on bases because it was getting dark, and the crowd was absolutely rapt because one dramatic thing after another happened.) In the end they lost, but those two teams were incredibly evenly matched, and they were both playing their hearts out. Mr. TOF had an amazing catch of a foul ball that he was literally doubled over the fence and hanging with his arm outstretched as far as possible to grab. There were double plays, home runs, strike outs. It was just one dramatic moment after the next. The Banana was in attendance as well, and she could barely contain her stress for her sibling.
One Comment
Gramms Robbie
Heartbreaking to loose after all the effort but he still had a fabulous season, Grampa would be so proud!