Bright Spot in the Dark

Last night Dr. Peds, Mr. TOF and I went to a concert that combined choirs and orchestras from multiple schools and a college across the city. They were performing Vivaldi’s Gloria, and The Banana was in the orchestra.

As we drove onto the college campus where the concert was taking place we passed a building where lights were flickering on and off in a crazy pattern in a dining hall. We noticed the street lights were also flickering on and off. Then we passed a couple of electric company trucks that were fixing something on a high pole, and they were surrounded by campus security vehicles. When we got to the auditorium the power was out and the emergency lights were on. We took a seat in the dark along with lots of other families. Before long one of the teachers came out and made an announcement that the power should be back on shortly. Please be patient. Apparently a squirrel had decided to have a high voltage snack on a power line. The squirrel “was no more.” Electricity should be back soon.

Everyone giggled and waited patiently in the dark auditorium. More families came. The auditorium was full to the brim with some people standing (there were A LOT of students involved in this concert). After a bit, The Banana’s chamber orchestra was on the scene, in the dark. They gathered in the corner of the auditorium down by the stage. This chamber orchestra functions as a strolling orchestra most of the year. They memorize their music and weave in and out and around their audience with great delight. Of course they could play in the dark! They didn’t need printed music! To our great pleasure they charmed us with invigorating and entertaining waiting music. Mr. TOF turned to me and said, “How cool is that, they are playing spontaneously in the dark! How am I ever going to choose whether to be in jazz band or Sterling Strings? A jazz band doesn’t play in the dark!”

I don’t know how he will eventually choose, although he as always planned on doing jazz band in high school (the two groups meet at the same time). However, it was so fun to watch The Banana and her friends in their element. They were having a good time, and it was fun to watch her lead.

After the fourth song, the lights came back on and everyone took to the stage for the real concert, which was also lovely.

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