Animal Friend
Auntie Dot’s puppy had to stay home this trip due to a case of wood ticks, a winter coat in the process of shedding and spring fever. Never fear, however, Auntie Dot did not leave the kidlets hanging. She packed up Brutus, the six-toed cat. He’s a well loved, perfectly behaved, amazingly calm six-toed smokey grey cat. He’s been a hit. Mr. Sneaky Pants was a little disappointed that Brutus doesn’t come when he calls his name, and The Banana was a bit mystified as to why Brutus was not interested in playing fetch, but they’ve made up for it with lots of snuggling with this patient, patient cat.
Best of all, Sarah and I discovered that Brutus really likes reading. He particularly likes to snuggle up and listen to children’s picture books. We’ve been happy to read to him.
I think we need a cat. I have no problems with litter boxes at all. Dr. Peds is decidedly NOT convinced.