Happy New Year 2010
New Years Eve was filled with a gaggle of children 8 and under . . . the best party of the year.
Our friends from up the street threw another magnificent New Years Party last night. It started at 6:00. Midnight was at 8:30. We were home, tucked into bed by 10:00.
There was danching, wild and crazy dancing inspired by little people under a very glittery disco ball. There were rousing games of duck, duck, goose! There were toys. There was munchy, crunchy party food. There was the annual tradition of "Tackle a Dad." Last year the dad was Dr. Peds, but this year he was still at the hospital, so they tackled our friend from up the street instead. He's under the pile of children. You can't see him.
There was sparkling juice in little cups at "midnight", a lovely piano performance of that New Year's Song, balloons falling from the ceiling, noisemkers, ten cans of silly string, party hats, and wonderful excitement.