The Sister Preaches


As a small child, I had a wonderful wooden steps tool that transitioned from two wooden steps into a pint sized chair by folding the back down and up.  I think my mother might even have the steps tool in her basement.  I have very vivid memories of playing church with this step stool.  I’d turn it into “steps” and stand on the top platform and preach from the pulpit at length.  Then I’d step down, fold the stool up into a seat, and park myself down to be the congregation and loudly sing away for an equally long time.  Repeat and repeat.

On Wednesday morning I came around the corner and found The Banana dressed in a quite fashionable get up that included leggings, a skirt and a shirt all with their own mismatched pattern.  On her feet were ridiculously small plastic high heeled dress up shoes that I have no idea how she can even shove her ginormous feet into, and around her neck was a pink feather boa.  She was standing on our plastic steps tool which has been missing for months.  I have no idea where she found it, but her hip was jutted out to one side and she was tapping her feet in those nasty pink dress up shoes.

“I’m a missionary!” she exclaimed.  And then she began to tell Mr. Trouble on Feet (looking on with rapt admiration) and Brutus the Cat all about the Bible.  “I’m going to tell you all about JESUS!” she nearly yelled.  The audience’s eyes widened. Tap tap tap went the pink plastic shoes.  She proceeded to preach at length.  Swish went the father boa.  She swung her hips from side to side.  “Sometimes I even need to tell MYSELF about Jesus.”  Swish went the feather boa in the other direction.

My, oh my.  It will be interesting to see what God does with her.


  • jan torgerson

    And equally fascinating to watch the
    Banana’s progress under your benevolent
    eye. Your reports make my day,every day.

  • Gramma Robbie

    Yes,I still have that stool, it is in the upstairs closet, always waiting for one of the kids, needs. This sure brought back memories of your preaching. Can Hear our Banana spout the word.

  • Grandma Gin

    This so reminded me of my childhood. We had one of those stools also. I don’t think I have it anymore. When we were dividing Mom and Dad’s stuff I think I got it, but it had been in water so I think I decided to throw it. But it was hard to do that, unless I find stuck it in a corner. My sister and I would play with that all the time. Oh how fun, that is why God created grandchildren so we can experience childhood through them.

  • Gramma Kathy

    I was told in the past I dressed like a missionary, but Hannah gives that image a whole new look. What a girl!

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