
  • Because we were finally here over a weekend without any big plans, I went garage saling with all four kidlets on Friday morning, and it went really well.  We were finding quite a few treasures before I accidentally lost all of my money!  My wallet was not zipped closed, all the cash, which was folded together, fell out somewhere as I was walking to and from the car, apparently.  I retraced all my steps three times, but had no luck.  It was a significant chunk of cash, too.  I am hoping that whoever found it did something amazing with it.
  • Last week I made rosemary bread with fresh herbs from our rosemary plant on the deck.  Right before I sliced the bread for lunch, I realized that we were out of butter!  Rats!  However, I looked up how to make butter, and it tuns out you can make it in an electric stand mixer.  I happened to have some cream in the fridge, so we gave it a try, and it was not only fun to make, but extremely delicious, way more tasty than ordinary butter.  The kidlets loved making and eating it on the bread.
  • We packed up five backpacks for foster kids transitioning into foster families.  Each fall our church collects backpacks with things needed by  children who are taken from their homes suddenly, and it is one of our favorite giving projects.  On Wednesday I spent several hours at Target gathering up everything for the backpacks.  I have learned that it is best to do this shopping trip by myself, because it involves coordinating multiple lists for multiple aged kids and fills an entire cart and takes a lot of zipping back and forth to different departments in the store.  I tried it once with kidlets, to have their input in picking things out, but it was the most hairy shopping experience EVER and we ended up all leaving the store in tears.  It turns out that the kidlets are much more happy to wake up the next morning with a pile of things ready to pack in the backpacks, and don’t really care about actually picking things out in the store at all.  Anyway, we all had fun getting the backpacks ready.  I have a big heart for children in foster care.
  • Today I was making crab apple jam and boiling water from the canning pot managed to splash up onto my neck and chin, and burned my skin.  I spent 2 hours icing it and Dr. Peds had to finish the batch of jam.  It doesn’t hurt any more, but it’s going to look pretty ugly for a few months.  It was a bit disheartening.  It was just a fluke accident.
  • A few days ago the cat, who we are trying so very hard to keep inside escaped yet again and came back with a half dead chipmunk that a kidlet accidentally let him bring back into the house.  Thankfully I managed to get the cat and the chipmunk back outside before the chipmunk escaped inside.  I waited patiently for the cat to drop the chipmunk and then put the cat back into house arrest.  Some days there is almost too much excitement around here.
  • I am loving garden cucumbers this season.  I don’t grow them myself, but I sure do like eating the ones that other people grow.

One Comment

  • Mel Hoke

    Phooey to the neck burn. LOVE the picture. Phooey to the half dead chipmunk. LOVE the backpack project. Phooey to not seeing you every day. Love YOU!

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