The Grunch
Ever since the Christmas Parade a few weeks ago, there has been much fascination with the Grinch, (or the Grunch, as he’s known in our house). The kidlets noticed a few grinches at the parade, and I realized that I hadn’t ever read them the story. I really used to hate the TV special about the Grinch, and I’m not a big fan of Dr. Suess, so I just passed it by, not really even realizing that I was sort of depriving them of a cultural standard Christmas experience. We found the book at the library and they were so excited to have me read it. Mr. Sneaky Pants LOVES the idea of a villain Grinch. The Banana for weeks was convinced he was real and was about to steal all the Christmas trees in the neighborhood and all the food in our refrigerator. She’d hide her favorite snacks from the Grinch. I think we’ve gotten past that now, and there is a great deal of emphasis on a PRETEND grinch. Or Grunch. However you’d like to look at it.