

First of all, sadly, there are very few pictures of Mr. Sneaky Pants celebrating his fifth birthday.  This is mainly because the birthday happened on a Tuesday, and Tuesdays are very, very crazy days around here.   Most of the celebrating happened before sunrise  and right before bed when it had already been dark for hours.

I was up way, way before the sun making pumpkin muffins for breakfast in the bathtub, and baking a chocolate cake.  I woke the crew up early, and they jumped in the bathtub.  Mr. Sneaky Pants excitedly exclaimed, “Even though I really love muffins, today I am only going to have ONE because I need to get to the presents right away.”  So, breakfast in the bathtub was a delicious, but fast affair, and we were off to presents.  

This also was a fast event, due partly to the fact that we needed to promptly get Ya Ya to the bus stop and me off to the school library to volunteer, and partly due to the fact that what five year old doesn’t rip open his presents quickly?  He was so excited about every single thing:  the pajama pants that The Banana picked out at the thrift store, the pirate stickers with googely eyes that Ya Ya found for him, the bag of lego people with light sabers that Dr. Peds got, the knights and motorcycles that his grandmothers sent, and some special new books.  He was just a happy, happy kid.  

Everyone went off to their regularly scheduled activities for the middle of the day. In  all the birthdays we’ve celebrated, it’s actually the first time I’ve ever sent someone to school on either their real birthday or their half birthday, which was kind of weird.  Mr. Sneaky Pants was excited to go to preschool though, where his classmates gave him pretend presents and pretend cake.  He had a great time.  

For lunch, Mr. SP requested his all-time favorite:  peanut butter sandwiches, only this time with a twist:  pickles on the side.  I gagged when I opened the pickle jar, but I was a good mother and stabbed a couple to put on his plate anyway.  I did earnestly request that he brush his teeth immediately upon finishing lunch, though.  

In the afternoon while I was teaching Mr. Sneaky Pants got to play with our regular babysitter and her son (who is in kindergarten) and in between supper and bedtime, we threw in a bit of birthday cake.  It was actually the second cake of the day, because when I went to make frosting for the first cake, it turned out completely disastrous.  Dr. Peds didn’t relish the idea of just scraping off the rock hard frosting, so he made a second birthday cake.  

After everything died down for the day, I crawled in bed next to my little guy to give him a snuggle.  I like snuggles from five year old boys, especially sleepy ones.  



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