Books and a Few Random Things
1. Reader Friends, I finally got my sidebar list of book links updated. I have been terrible at this lately! Most things on the list are children's chapter and picture books, since that's what we have spent most of our time reading lately.
2. Mr. Sneaky Pants spent most of the morning watching the ballet Swan Lake. Our friends the Penns sent Ya Ya a movie of the ballet last summer for her half birthday. It was an incredible hit. How can you say no to a 5 year old boy who requests to watch a ballet all morning? I couldn't. He loves the scary bad guy, and he was transfixed to the screen the whole time.
3. Inspired by the parts of the ballet that weren't too scary for her to watch, The Banana is now dressed in two different leotards (at the same time) and pink tights, and she's leaping all over my office, pretending to be a ballet teacher who is teaching her students about new steps.
4. It is so foggy and dark that it feels light night in the middle of the morning. The fog is thick, thick, thick. I can't see across the street.
5. I have to go grocery shopping today to stock up with food for Thanksgiving. We are staying home. Dr. Peds has to work. Dot was going to come, but she couldn't get the right time off from work to make it work. I actually really, really love Thanksgiving.