A Few Things about Mr. TOF

  • Mr. TOF has reached the stage of helping!  He loves to be included and he loves to help out with whatever I”m doing.  He spends most of the day following me around and helping.  He helps sweep the floor.  He helps load the dishwasher.  He helps pick up toys.  He helps put the laundry down the laundry shoot. He helps move clothes from the washing machine to the dryer, and he helps start the washing machine.  Why is it that toddlers are so willing to help with anything, and then when they become preschoolers and school-age kids that can actually accomplish lots of household tasks independently they HATE helping with any chores?
  • Mr. TOF has also, unfortunately, reached the stage of whining and fussing when things don’t go his way.  He can really get worked up some days.  It makes me want to hide in my closet.  Sometimes I do hide in the entryway with the door closed.
  • I love it when he walks into a room and the sunlight is pouring through the window illuminating specks of dust floating in the air.  He runs right over to the dust and tries to catch it with such determination.  I remember being a preschooler and LOVING to try to catch dust in the sunlight.  I still like watching dust in the sunlight, which is great, since there is plenty of dust in my house for the sunlight to illuminate.
  • Right now Mr. TOF is really enjoying playing with the kid kitchen.  He loves to cook up crazy combinations of food that is “hot” and feed it to me.  Since that tea-drinking Auntie Dot was here at Christmas, one of his favorite things to cook on the play stove is “hot tea.”  He spends so much time carefully refilling my little teacup with imaginary tea.
  • Another thing Mr. TOF loves to do is imagine that there are scary bears across the room.  Sometimes YaYa pretends to be a growling bear, and he nearly goes crazy pretending to be scared of her.  It’s a loud game with lots of yelling and growling and running and jumping on me to hide from the bears.
  • Speaking of having a great imagination, Mr. TOF also likes to pretend he’s a firefighter with a hose, soaking everything in his path, especially me.
  • We are making great progress with the potty!  Hooray!  We still have a ways to go, but this last week things have really gone well!


  • Robin

    I remember when there was another little boy that liked to pretend he was a fireman and soaked the entryway of the house. Remember to keep all doors closed when the hose comes out this spring.

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