A Few Favorite Pictures of My Grandma

My Grandma Jan passed away last week, and the last few days have been filled with a trip to and from  North Dakota (and all the packing and unpacking that involves) and time spent remembering the incredibly unique person that my grandma was with other people from my family.  I could write much about my grandma and how deeply she influenced my life, but really, I’m not ready to yet, so I thought I would just share a few of my favorite images from the last few years.  I’m so very blessed to have so many years with my grandma’s company, and even more blessed that all four of my children could know her and appreciate her.  She was one of their favorite people too.


  • Robin

    I miss her so much, how she loved these little ones and looked forward to each visit. Remember the first time she let them have the handful of change form the container? They had such a hoot with her that day.

  • Janet Schauer

    Jan was such a wonderful person. These pictures are wonderful. I hope you can share more in the future. I was deeply touched by her passing. It is never easy to lose someone we love. My favorite memory of her was when we went to buy Tuffy’s old sorrel horse in 2000 when we got to Pettibone. I needed a companion for my old Alaska horse. Tuffy brought down his horse (with no name) and told me that if I wanted to buy it just let him know. Well I fell in love with his great horse. When we went to pay for it we were greeted and invited in. Jan went to cupboard to get some cookies and with a rather large knife stabbed the packaging to open it and said “I have been baking all day!” Then from the other room we hear, “Oh, you old woman, you haven’t cooked in years.” Laugh … we still do to this day. It was a memory that won’t soon be forgotten. They were both such a special treat to know. We will never forget them.
    So sorry for your loss. We all lost something special the day she passed. Hugs to all.

  • Cousin Lisa

    Whenever you get a chance, could you email me the image of her reading on the left side? That is exactly how she looked, her sitting at one end of the table and me at the other, both absorbed in our reading. I will miss those times. It still doesn’t seem real that she is gone.

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