Not A Florist, Obviously

Yesterday I rediscovered that flower arranging is not one of my talents. I had been dreading going to the MOPS meeting for several weeks because on the schedule was: “bring your own vase and make a special Christmas Centerpiece for your table.” My anti-domestic stomach was queasy just reading those words.

So in the middle of Mr. Sneaky Pants’ dramatic morning (see previous post) I conviently forgot to bring a vase, subconsciously hoping that if I didn’t bring a vase, maybe I would be able to just passively watch everyone else make their centerpiece. But I was out of luck, because someone actually had the forsight to bring along extra vases for those of us who might have forgotten.

And actually, when I realized it was a real florist giving the presentation who had actually brought real greenery for us to arrange, I was a little bit more perceptive to the whole idea. The greenery smelled so amazingly good, that I couldn’t resist timidly retrieving a vase and setting out on the adventure.

We were supposed to wrap a little florist wire around the greenery and add pieces and twist. But I was doing this all wrong because my greenery was actually somehow breaking. They looked better when I got them in a clump to start with . . . in hindsight I should have just stuck them in the vase like that and called it good.

As focused as I was on hiding my arrangement from the real florist every time she walked near my table, I couldn’t help be amazed at some of the moms who were SOOOO excited about arranging their greenery. They oogled over the florist scissors like I oogle over paper crafting tools. They were passionate about plants and how to obtain them. Isn’t it so funny how God gives people different gifts! My mother is a natural at floral arranging. I’ve run silly from it since I can remember.

Anyway, the front of my arrangment, or what I’ve decided should be the front, actually looks kind of nice if you get down at just the right angle and close one eye, and squint the other. However, if you turn it to the side, you’ll see that it really needs some help. And I don’t really care! I have it proudly displayed in my dining room because oooooohhhhh that greenery smells so amazing, like a real Christmas tree. I walk by and take a wiff whenever I can.

The Front and the Side:



One Comment

  • Jackie Grudem

    I think your arrangements looks beautiful!We just literally walked in the door after being gone for several days and Zach brought in the mail. I saw a letter with a return address of Duluth and I thought, that is strange, we just walked in the door from Duluth. Opend it up to find it was you guys )o: I wish we knew you lived there. It would have been fun to see you. Jon interviewed with the neurology group at the Duluth Clinic. I won’t take more space in your blog, but I had to let you know and we don’t have your email address. I am going to get a Christmas card our this year and hopefully it will be done this week.
    Take care,
    Jackie Grudem

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