Fall Tradition: Putting Cooped Up Energy to Good Use


If you pay an extra one time fee for the summer months, our garbage collection company will give you a large bin to fill with yard waste, and pick it up for you each week.  Not having to find a place to haul leaves, grass, and half rotten crabapples is a good deal for us, so we usually participate.  This year we are kind of getting the raw end of the deal because the leaves are staying on the trees much, much later than usual, and we haven't been able to fill the bin up every week like we usually do in the fall.  

However, fall would not be complete for the kiddos without some leaf stomping in the bin.  Every year I fill up the bin and then fill it with kidlets who stomp and mash things down in a very wild and crazy "grape stomp" so that I can pack the bin to its ultimate capacity.  It's very exciting, and is a highly anticipated part of fall yard work (which we haven't done much of since it never stops raining here).  Ya Ya would surely have joined them, but she's down and out with a virus and was stuck inside yesterday.  




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