The Not-Sick Kidlet and I Take a Walk


The flu has found our house.  I knew it was only a matter of time, and really, things are going very well.  Ya Ya came home from school miserable Friday afternoon, and she was down and out all weekend.  She was home from school today, but doing great other than a terrible cough, so I'm sending her back tomorrow.  She was well enough to boss her brother and sister around today, so I figure we're over the worst!  The Banana is now just catching the bug.  So far Mr. SP and I are doing great.  Dr. Peds was at the hospital all weekend and got to watch some kind of neat surgery today, so when he finally came home, I put him in charge and went to the library for a few hours.  I really, really needed some fresh air. 

At dusk, which comes very early on a dreary autumn evening, Mr. SP and I decided that we should take a little walk outside.  Actually, to be more exact, I forced him to take a walk with me outside, because A. Dusk is his worst time of day; he's tired but not sleepy and gets himself into a lot of trouble and B.  He had been cooped up inside for a long time because of rain and drizzle.

We had a super time racing down the sidewalks in our neighborhood through the soggy leaves that are finally falling from the trees.   He won three times and I tied him once.  We took a quick walk through a patch of forest nearby, and talked about all sorts of fun things:  Halloween costumes, pumpkins, pirates and trolly stations.   I love spending time with each of my kidlets one at a time.  It just doesn't happen very often!  

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