The Short List of What I Learned This March

  • I learned how to mass delete emails on my yahoo account.  It’s the account that a great deal of spam or useless promotional email filters through, along with some very essential information.  I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of mass deleting before, but it sure makes getting through swaths of emails that I don’t read so much faster.  Of course, I have to be careful because every so often there is an email that I actually need to save and read, but still, this has been a huge time saver.  
  • I learned all about the celebration of the Jewish festival of Purim.  We were invited to celebrate with a family from our church.  They are Messianic Jewish, and we have gotten to celebrate a few festivals at different times with this on various important days thoughout the past few years.  We always learn a LOT.  I loved Purim.  Everyone took a turn reading sections of the book of Esther, which they had rolled into a scroll.  My kids LOVED reading it out loud with friends.  They also loved the special cookies.  Best of all, they got to use noisemakers to drown out Haman’s name every time it came up in the story.  Not only did this focus their listening ears, waiting for Haman’s name, but when is it not fun to yell “Boo!” and rattle a noisemaker?  We also cheered for Mordecai and Esther whenever their names popped up in the story.
  • I FINALLY learned the difference between the forward “ch” hissing, throat clearing sound and the “ch” hissing, throat clearing sound in the back of the throat.  I wish I knew how to type the International Phonetic Alphabet symbol for each to show you, but I don’t know how to make that happen.  I’ve always known the two different symbols, but I could never really concretely distinguish between the two different sounds.  In addition to this, I’ve had a nice refresher course on some of the rules of German diction that I’m always forgetting while the Arrowhead Chorale is in the process of learning the Braham’s Requiem.  (I am really loving learning this music.  It is incredibly beautiful.)
  • Freezing and thawing snow and water can make a concrete step crumble.  Water is such a powerful force.
  • Canned Pumpkin can help cats be less constipated.
  • Raising the piano bench an inch or two so my tiniest students can sit just a little bit taller makes such a difference in their hand position.
  • I learned a new Bach prelude and Fugue. (Actually this has been a multi-month project, but I’m just now feeling comfortable with this fugue and prelude).  I try to play from Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier every day because the music is complicated, but achievable.  It always feels like putting a slow, meticulous puzzle together, bit by tiny bit.  In the end, when it all clicks it feels amazing to watch ten fingers execute something precise.   I’m no neuroscientist, but I’m convinced that playing complex Bach music has to be good exercise for the brain.

One Comment

  • Debra Harkness

    I got to sing Brahms’ Requiem in college and the morning of our concert, my grandfather passed away. I still sang and it was one of the most profound musical experiences of my life. So glad that you get to learn it!

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