On the Corner by the Grand Ole Creamery in St. Paul

We spent the weekend in St. Paul, and I have a lot to post about that, but I’m a little short on time this morning before I teach lessons for the rest of the day, so I’m just sharing my very favorite image from the weekend, taken yesterday on Mother’s Day.  I asked my four kidlets for a picture of them all together, since it was mother’s day.  It was the end of the day, and everyone was verging on cranky/tired/too much ice cream, so the picture of the four of them looking at the camera was the predictable disaster no matter how much Dr. Peds tried to convince them to just cooperate for five seconds.  However, on our way back to the car to drive back home, this scene, which completely represents the personalities of every single person in my family happened.

Mr. SP had just crossed the street, safely, but without a grown up, which prompted a harsh talking to from Dr. Peds, and that developed into desperate tears which is why he’s getting a consoling hug, since he didn’t mean to cross by himself, he was just too busy pretending to be Spiderman to realize that a grown up wasn’t actually with him even though it was safe to cross.  YaYa is displaying the attitude that was prominent for much of the weekend.  And the two in front?  Well, that’s just what they do.  I’m blessed to have them all.

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