Lessons from a Fashion Shoe

Ms. Crazy Preschooler and Dr. Pediatrician attended the Relay for Life last night. Ms. CP was so excited because she won an entire set of princess costume jewelry complete with dress up shoes, she made a new friend, Olympia, who she ran around in the grass with all night, and she got to stay up until almost midnight. She has been coveting plastic princess dress up shoes for months, ever since she ran across a pair at a friends house. She wore them all morning. Mr. Cuddles wore them all afternoon while she napped.


Unfortunately, in the late afternoon, there was an incident. Ms. CP got upset when she was asked to help Noah with the water hose outside, and she stomped across the patio wearing her flimsy plastic princess shoes. And the precious shoes broke because they couldn’t handle heavy stomping. They were unrepairable.


Ms. Crazy Preschooler burst into the most sad tears ever. Tears sad enough to make a parent bemoan the effectiveness of natural consequences, but appreciate them just the same. Here she is, on her way to deposit the priceless, long-awaited broken shoes in the garbage can.


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