Some Tiny Little Moments from Music Class
Music class started this week. It is always so fun to see everyone coming together in the same room after much gathering and planning and coordinating that takes place at my desk for a few weeks before the start of class. On the first day of Thursday class, one little boy came in literally jumping in zig zags across the room, so happy to be back, excitement just bounding back and forth. The grandmas all had twinkles in their eyes.
Before the Friday class, it was really fun to see Mr. Sneaky Pants carrying on a very long winded conversation about all sorts of topics with a grandma who just managed to ask all the right questions. he was excited to talk and talk, and she was quite entertained.
There were the squeals of delight from the youngest kids at class when we brought out the egg shakers and some very precious waving when it was time to sing goodbye, but my very favorite music class moment this week happened on Thursday morning before any other kids actually arrived.
The Banana was hopping from one sturdy metal chair to the next, deciding which chair might make the best princess throne. I was sorting through a basket of one bell jingle sticks. A round elderly man passed by the door with a small sack of garbage in his hand. He looked in and saw The Banana and his face just lit up. He said, "I'll be back. I have to throw this garbage away." This was a new resident that I hadn't seen before. He didn't know anything about music class. In fact, he didn't even come to music class. He did come right back from the garbage chute, though, and struck up a conversation with The Banana. He lured her close with the offer of a surprise and discussed how it was OK to come over and say hello since her Mama was standing right there. He pulled out a crisp two dollar bill from his pocket and presented it with a flourish.
You might recall how The Banana enjoys money. She particularly enjoys having money of HER OWN. She was very, very delighted, and said thank you very nicely. The elderly round gentlemen was happy down to his toes. You could just tell. He told me all about how he orders $2 bills in large quantities, because they are hard to find these days. He told me all about how he needs a lot of $2 bills because he has seventeen great grandchildren. He told me how his wife of 67 years passed away three weeks ago. His eyes were very sad, and a little teary. But you could see that the elderly round gentleman was doing OK. He was processing his grief. He told me how his 17 great grandchildren came to visit him lots, all the time. He looked at The Banana and twinkled, and told me how much he loved kids, and he looked happy again, a very cheerful giver. He gave a wave and was off down the hall.
One Comment
Gramma Robbie
I have tears in my eyes, how wonderful our Banana was there to help him gain some happiness back.