• More Pictures

    The last few days I have been a picture taking maniac. There are several reasons for this. Tomorrow the kids and I are driving to North Dakota for my brother’s wedding this weekend, and the LCD light on my camera screen broke last week, so I am trying to practice…

  • Vocabulary at Four and a Half

    A conversation in the stroller while walking home from our morning trip down the bike path: Ms. CP: When I am a grown up, I am not going to live here. I am not going to live with you either, Mama. Me: Well, where do you think you’d like to…

  • Toddlers and Backdrops

    I haven’t tried taking backdrop pictures for a long time, which after today I have decided was probably a good choice. Toddlers and backdrops do not mix. After he woke up from his nap, Mr. Cuddles ran AROUND the backdrop 37 times. The best pictures of all was a fleeting…

  • Sunburned

    This Weekend was Dairy Festival, the weekend where Central Wisconsin goes nuts to celebrate their beloved agricultural product. A true dairy lover myself, I can get into it right with the natives. (Those who know me know I drink gallons of skim milk every week, and I’ve recently developed an…

  • How To Catch and Eat A Whale

    According to Ms. Crazy Preschooler, To Catch a Whale: First you get a very big stick with a net that has two handles on each side. You drag the net in the water and wait and wait and wait and then when the whale swims in the net you lift…