Vocabulary at Four and a Half


A conversation in the stroller while walking home from our morning trip down the bike path:

Ms. CP: When I am a grown up, I am not going to live here. I am not going to live with you either, Mama.

Me: Well, where do you think you’d like to live?

Ms. CP: (Thinking pause) I think I’d like to live where that Mr. Pregnant lives.

Me: (Not really hearing right) You’re going to decide when you’re pregnant?

Ms. CP: NO!!!!!! I want to live next to that house that the Pregnant lives in.

Me: You don’t have to be pregnant to have a house, honey.

Ms. CP: NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOO! The Pregnant! The guy in that big white house!

Me: OH! Do you mean the President?

Ms. CP: Yeah, the Pregnant! What’s the name of that town?

Me: Washington D.C.

So we practiced pronouncing “President” several times. It all made sense to me when I remembered that we had been working on her preschool letter book, and I needed a picture of something that started with a capital “W.” I came across a picture of the White House and we talked about how it was a very big palace where the president lives, and we talked about how the president is the leader of the country, etc. Ms. Crazy Preschooler has also recently learned the meaning of the word “pregnant,” so it makes sense that the two were a bit confused.

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