• Early Spring

    The leaves on a very select few bushes in our yard are just considering budding out. I think it’s so interesting how the leaves of different plant species pop out in so many different hues: reds, yellows, greens, and all kinds of shades on the spectrum in between. Our miniature…

  • Aspirations

    Here is what Mr. Sneaky Pants wants to be when he’s grown up: A motorcycle driver who wears a big helmet and a motorcycle jacket and velcro elbow pads and drives an orange motorcycle A scuba diver with flippers and a big air tank A football player that plays TICKLE…

  • Mess of the Week: A Major Food Cupboard Raid

    While I was taking a shower yesterday, Mr. Sneaky Pants was back to his sneakery. I dressed myself, brushed my teeth and came downstairs to once again discover the food cupboard raided, a path of noodle bags, and various boxes of food leading to the culprit himself. I thought I…

  • Tis the Season

    We have entered the season of scrapes, scratches and outdoor collisions. Several times daily I find myself digging for the bandaid box. Thank goodness that blood clots! Everyone loves being outside, and everyone loves the swingset, but there are some inevitable crashes. For example, last evening Dr. Peds and I…

  • A Boy and His Sword

    A few months ago Dr. Peds found this plastic sword in a box in the basement. He presented it to Mr. Sneaky Pants, who readily latched on to it. Since then, the sword is rarely far away from our small boy. In fact, it’s nearly always at his side; he…

  • Splurge

    A week ago my husband came home from work and found me sitting on the futon, untangling a mess of yarn and then trying again to crochet it, over and over. He looked at my grim expression, and the chaos of three kids climbing on me and pulling the yarn,…