• Fun Blocks, Fun Books

    I built this little octopus last Friday, inspired by some of the fascinating projects in our new Kapla books.  I think these little blocks are the best.  One day we made a skyscraper that reached the ceiling.   It's fun to be creative with them, and it's fun to follow…

  • Look at This!

    Three kidlets!  Looking the same direction!  No one is crying or whining!  I get one of these pictures every two or three years, so take notice.  

  • The Banana and her Afternoon-Walk Attire

    Queen of accessories, The Banana needed to wear her scarf, her favorite hat, and carry along the favorite baby doll of the day when we went for a short walk after school.  She loves that hat because Sarah sometimes wears it too, and she thinks she's pretty hot stuff when…

  • Mess of the Week: The Driveway Edition

    I buckled everyone into their carseats.  I loaded up all the instruments and materials.  I was in the car and on the way to music class.  I drove down the hill of my driveway, looked one way, and looked the other way, and looked the first way again, and oh…

  • The Making Things Bigger Walk

    On Monday afternoon  I shooed everyone out of the house after school, knowing that we were about to get a snowstorm followed by a cold snap for the next few days.  We went on a "Making Things Bigger Walk" down the block and up the super secret staircase and sidewalk…

  • Can You Guess Which Kidlets Made These?

    This week in music class, all of the kids are creating their own rocket ships to bring to class.  We'll blast off and zoom around outer space as we sing. (The grandmas and grandpas might become planets for our spacecraft to land upon . . . I'm not sure).  …

  • An Old Picture of Dr. Peds

    I think I need to dust my scanner.  Yikes. My husband was cleaning through some boxes Sunday evening and came across a sheet what we think are his eleventh grade pictures.  We both giggled.  This is very much how my husband looked when I first spotted him in the first…

  • Mess of the Week: The Wet Edition Part Two

    It turns out that if you have an upstairs bathroom, and your two youngest kidlets dump two (or maybe even three) buckets of water on the bathroom floor while you answer the telephone and have a conversation that lasts less than three minutes at the most, the water really will…

  • More Saturday Fun at the Beach

    We spent the middle of our Saturday with our good friends at the beach, celebrating the above freezing temperatures.  The sun was shining full force.  The ice was twinkling.  The grown ups had great discussions, and the kids had a terrific time drawing numbers and letters on the giant rocks…

  • The Art of Ceasing the Movement

    The more tired Mr. Sneaky Pants gets, the more he moves.  It's almost as if he knows that if he stops moving he will just fall directly asleep.  Last Friday afternoon at 2:00 I had my fill of jumping, twisting, sword thrashing, skipping, rolling, summersaulting, and hopping.  I suggested we…