• The Banana: Version 3.5

    It was The Banana’s half birthday on Monday, and I cannot even tell you how excited she was.  She told us all many times throughout the day how much she really did love birthdays, especially her own.  While she and Mr. Sneaky Pants were off to the doctor’s office for…

  • An Afternoon of Zoob

    These Zoob blocks were really their Christmas present. but we were so overwhelmed with material items and traveling at Christmas that I decided to just wait and give it to them sometime later in the winter.  Since we were having an “at home” day for the most part on Saturday,…

  • Conversations About Choir

    Tonight I had a choir concert, the last in a series of three concerts that have been happening the last three nights.  Before the concert, we walked Ya Ya up the street so she could have a sleepover at her friend’s house.  We were one our way home back down…

  • Roman

    Here’s the latest Roman soldier costume.  He’s been all about Roman soldiers since last summer when our church did a vacation Bible School week that was centered on culture in Rome and the Apostle Paul.  There were teenage boys dressed up like Roman soldiers roaming around the church, and that…

  • Outside

    The weather has been amazing.  On Saturday Mr. Sneaky pants decided to wear his baklava, even though it was warm enough to be outside with only a sweater, because the baklava makes him look much more like a knight.  He grabbed the bow and arrow that Grandma Robbie make him…

  • California Part Three: The Desert

    The day before I left California drove out to the desert to visit what was sort of a zoological garden exhibiting desert life.  There were cacti galore in all shapes and sizes, and lots of interesting animals that thrive in dry environments.  There were also several snakes in the arms…

  • As Very Much Expected

    Kidlet 4 is very much a boy.  He’s also a thumb sucker, and a healthy little guy.  Mr. Sneaky Pants is very excited.  The Banana is wistful . . . happy but wishing she could have a sister too.  She still really just wants two babies.  Ya Ya is sort…

  • California Part Two: The Mountains

    I should have realized from the map how close the Penns actually live to the mountains, but I was quite surprised to wake up in the morning on my second day there, and see large mountains so close by.  In the afternoon of my fourth day in California, we took…