• Random Bits

    There is currently a huge obsession with the game Go Fish! in our house, which came about largely because our old babysitter Sophie sent a special box of birthday presents our way.  It arrived a few weeks ago, and Go Fish! has provided hours and hours and hours of entertainment.…

  • The Story of the Christmas Program at School

    I wondered how the holiday concert at school might work out for me this year.  There are many, many students at our school, and not so many places for parents to watch the concert, so the concert each year is performed three times:  8:30, 10:30 and 12:30.  Dr. Peds attended…

  • Too Classic: Concerning Girls

    This evening, he sits next to me on the couch after supper. Mr. SP:  So, when we are on the playground, this girl called Maya chases me around and tries to kiss me. Me:  Really? Mr. SP:  Yep.  It’s a called a crush. Me:  A crush? Mr. SP:  Yep.  She…

  • Right Before Nap

    She loves him with all her heart.  She’s almost always ready to entertain him, chase him, protect him and tickle him.  She reads him stories, keeps him company when I’m in the shower and he’s stuck in his crib, and is always telling me how cute he is.  When he…

  • The Great Toddler Bonk

    Mr. Trouble on Feet, like most toddlers, has an amazing back thrash that he pulls out when he’s frustrated or upset, or sometimes just overexcited.  The thrash involves throwing his head (heavy and hard) and arching his back and going boneless all at the same time.  And  let me tell…

  • Decorated

    Where there’s one ornament, there’s usually six more.  I love it.  The Banana was the ace number one Christmas tree decorator this year.  Quite a bit of the decorating happened while the biggest kid lets were in school, although YaYa did quite a bit of work on the tree that…

  • Getting the Christmas Tree from the Forest

    My children love axes.  They’ve been waiting to go to the forest to get the Christmas tree for quite some time, and really, no one had a bad attitude about the adventure at all this year.  It helped that it was a balmy 30 degrees outside with no wind.  They…

  • Random Things Again

    A couple of weeks ago YaYa took a watercolor class at the art institute and spent a very long time making this volcano with a technique that involved using salt.  The textures are really neat in person, and we both loved the rich colors. I haven’t had a chance to…

  • Siblings

    She decided to help him feel a little more natural for the camera.  These were taken the day before Mr. SP’s birthday to document his last day of being six.  These two are quite something, separate and together.