• The New Very Old Typewriter

    I have been looking for a working old manual typewriter for a long, long time.  In fact, I wanted very much to give The Banana an old typewriter for Christmas last year, but the only old manual typewriters we could find were far away, and expensive to ship. I knew…

  • Out for a Walk

    Last Wednesday we took a quick walk to one of the cemeteries near our house to blow off the cooped up stink.  There is a big rock that The Banana and Mr. SP love to climb up in one of the cemeteries, and while they were climbing, Mr. Trouble on…

  • Thanksgiving: The Meal

    Even though I so do not enjoy cooking, I managed to pull together a roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, Grandma Edna Cranberries, rosemary bread, and the infamous Mason/Dietrich traditional raspberry rice pudding.  I cooked all this while avoiding a toddler who spent the morning grabbing things off counters that…

  • Thanksgiving Birthday: Mr. SP is Seven

    Mr. SP was very skeptical about sharing a birthday with the Thanksgiving holiday, but in the end, it worked out fine to share his special day with our low-key Thanksgiving celebration.  The morning started out with his sisters jumping into bed with him and goofing around, and then bit by…

  • First Sled Ride of the Season

    We have just enough snow to cover the ground white.  The Banana was the most excited about it, and she convinced Mr. SP to go out and play in it with her.  Of course Mr. Trouble on Feet wanted to be included too, so out we went. I have wanted…

  • The Flu That Came with the Cooped Up Bugs

    It seems the stomach flu likes to find our house just in time for Thanksgiving.  I have spent several Thanksgiving holidays with some of the most miserable cases of stomach flu I’ve ever experienced since I’ve been married.  It’s looking a little precarious again this year. Mr. SP was the…

  • The Cooped Up Bugs Arrive

    This has been our first week of weather that is cold enough to warrant some extended bundling to go outside.  We have been outside, but for shorter periods of time than we’ve been used to and because the sun sets so much earlier now, we are left with extended hours…

  • Special Bedtime Snack

    It’s kind of a once in a blue moon event, when you are a (messy) toddler.  Ordinarily no one lets you sit on a sofa with a banana and your sippy cup.  We took a spontaneous trip down to the Cities on Friday after school and spent the night in…