The Middle of Middles
She’s always up to some sort of shenanigans, the middle of the middles. The Banana had just arrived home from a dress rehearsal for her choir concert when I asked if she could watch Peanut Maximus while I headed to the park to take some pictures of the Devious Snail…
Wednesday Sink #9: The Teenagers Cooked Yesterday
Of course they left the kitchen strewn with cooking debris!
Trumpeting the Season
I may be drowning while managing the family calendar this season, but the daffodils are blooming and the grass is green, so not all is lost.
The Current Mural
YaYa made this for me. I am enjoying it every day. The chalkboard next to the deck just never looses its charm for me!
Standing Up
It always amazes me how a baby learns to crawl, a process that kind of takes a bit of time to master, and then all of the sudden, as soon as they are crawling they are pulling themselves up on things and standing! Bam! It just seems like the standing…
A Self-Feeding Machine
He looks innocent. However, I say, “Please do not eat the dirt,” at least 237 times per day.
Some Things I’ve Recently Learned
Visiting the Kittens
We drove to North Dakota for my father’s memorial service, picking up YaYa on the way. It was the first time with all seven of us in one vehicle for more than a trip to church, and we survived! It was a bit squishy, though! On the way we stopped…
8 Months
Guess who just learned to crawl? He’s motoring all over now, and nothing is safe! His favorite goal is getting to all the electrical cords that recharge this or that thing and chewing on them. Also, yesterday he managed to roll the rug in the family room inside out and…
Wednesday Sink #8: Sink Bath
OK, so it might have been Thursday, but who could resist posting a cutie pie in the sink?