Coping with a Very Long, Snowy Winter
To counter the “winter blah” I’ve been staring at my green houseplants, wearing a pair of new wool socks on days when it snows (I save my new socks for dismal days when I need a little cheer) and occasionally playing the piano with the lid up to make it…
Wednesday Sink #7: Piano Performance Party Preparation
Jump Jump Jump
So we actually saved our big jump-a-roo baby jumper that we got when the Devious Snail was a baby. He used it. The Banana used it. Mr. TOF used it. It never came down from the attic for the next twelve years because we thought there was always the possibility…
Holiday Reading Buddy
Grandma sent his adorable shirt, and he was irresistible all day! We spent quite a bit of time reading books. I read the books. He eats the books. We are both happy.
Wednesday Sink #6: From the Side
OK, so maybe it is cheating to have an alternate view, but the sink is in the background! All of these things are waiting to be cleaned.
He’s a playing machine! Those little hands have gotten so good at grabbing onto things and moving them, and one of his latest tricks is to take all the toys off his tray and drop them on the floor. Also, it is pretty great to hang out in fuzzy footed…
A Few Things Recently Learned
The Devious Snail came home from a trumpet lesson a couple of weeks ago and asked if I could play an accompaniment part for a trumpet solo he was thinking about playing at solo and ensemble contest. I fell in love with the piece, which had such a fun and…
Sitting Practice
The Banana watched Peanut Maximus for a few lessons that I was teaching, and she made him a little nest so he could practice sitting up without toppling over and bonking his head. He’s getting the hang of it quite nicely.
Wednesday Sink #5: Egg Bake on its Way to Robotics
Since it was winter break, on Wednesday I was in charge of bringing lunch to the robotics team that was busy building a robot for a competition just days away. I brought brunch and was busy making egg bake in the morning.
He still sleeps best when someone is holding him. A tooth popped up and that made for some disagreeable days, which led to some extra spoiling by everyone. Sore mouths are just not fun.