• Reading Week

    It’s spring break, and some of us have decided to have a reading week!  It’s been gloomy and extremely foggy, perfect reading weather.  The Devious Snail has had several trips to the branch library and the little free library on the corner of our yard, and I’m sure he’s made…

  • Conversation

    Arriving home from a long day at work, Dr. Peds surveys the LEGOS strewn about in the family room.   “Well, how was the LEGO-ing today?” “Really good!” chirps Mr. Trouble on Feet.  “Only a hundred men died today.”

  • Recital Time

    Yesterday The Banana and Mr. Trouble on Feet had a recital.  The Banana played a fast song her her violin.  Mr. TOF played his viola. (He wore a tie, of course!) Later, at a second recital, The Banana played violin in a chamber quartet. Because I live with them, the…

  • Documenting the Final Days of the First Viola.

    He’s been playing the viola since September, and making excellent progress.  He’s also grown so much in six months that he needs bigger viola already.  Gracious.  I think I need to stop feeding him vegetables or something.  In a week or so he’ll be moving to a larger instrument. Mr.…

  • Hyacinth

    A student gifted me with a hyacinth bulb at Christmas, and in the cold, dark days of January, we started the bulb.  I love watching the transformation of the bare bulb to the growth of roots, a little green sprout peeking up out of the top of the bulb, and…

  • Smuggling

    The Devious Snail is often smuggling food up to his room.  This is why I find all kinds of clementine peels in his bed, orange peels in his dresser, peach pits on the floor.  Sometimes it’s a sandwich that I see sneaking its way upstairs.  (He’s not alone.  His older…

  • Thinking Ahead

    Recently he told me, “I’m considering being an angry gym teacher for Halloween next year.” I love that he’s already considering dress up possibilities sixth months in advance.

  • What I Learned in February

    February was a month that seemed to zip by in a whirlwind, even though it’s been cold and snowy almost every day all month long.  Here are some things I learned: Early in the month of February we had a night where there was a dense fog off the Lake,…

  • Pink Bag

    When I was nine years old I sewed this bag for a 4-H project.  I distinctly remember picking out this towel in Kmart with my mom specifically for the project.  We were in Bismarck for my orthodontist appointment, and we bought the towel in the linen department at Kmart before…