• Camping Up the North Shore

    Our camping trip up the North Shore was terrific.  The weather was perfect, and the scenery amazing, as was expected.  Our adventures were filled with: hikes to three large waterfalls and along several different rushing rivers and babbling brooks. hot dogs and eggs cooked over the fire by Dr. Peds,…

  • Sore Neck

    Sleeping in the car is never comfortable, but this particular instance actually did result in a rather sore neck for a few hours.  He was one very, very tuckered out boy from a long hike.  

  • Adventures

    I'll be absent quite a bit over the next few days.  We are about to embark on an exciting family camping trip, and then the kidlets and I plan to travel to North Dakota to see my new baby nephew.  

  • The Annual Library Sale

    As you can see, I didn't hold back at the annual library book sale this year.  The kidlets and I attended the sale on Tuesday, the first day of the sale that is only open to Friends of the Library members.  Armed with a stack full of canvas tote bags,…

  • Art Studio

    I know this just looks like a slightly soggy rock (can rocks be soggy?).  However, The Banana asked me very specifically to take a picture of it.  When we go to the rocky beach, the kidlets love to play "art studio."  They divide up so that each person has their…

  • My Sweet, Sweet Girl

    We were walking on the sidewalk, heading uphill toward our neighbor's house to water some houseplants.  Mr. Sneaky Pants was galloping along ahead of us on his fast and sturdy imaginary steed worthy of a knight.   "Mama, Mama!  Skip with me!" said my buoyant companion next to me.  She…

  • Weekend at the Cabin

    The Banana had been waiting all week for our trip to Papa Richard's cabin.  She knew we were going to be celebrating Auntie Dot's birthday, and each day, several times a day she asked when we were leaving.  Would Auntie Dot share her birthday cake?  Would there be candles?  Would…

  • The Second Soccer Game of the Season

    The second game of the soccer season went fantastically well.  When I heard the forecast temperature of 88 degrees, I was prepared for the worst.  We gathered up every water bottle in the house and filled it up.  I even told Mr. Sneaky Pants that if he did a great…