• A Tall Ship

    The Banana, Mr. Sneaky Pants and I went down to the canal this afternoon to see if we could spot any pirates aboard this tall, historic sailing vessel that came into port to celebrate Independence Day.  At one point it had all of its sails open in the crisp east…

  • Possibilities

    This little guy has BIG plans that involve sleeping in his tent in the backyard tonight with a pillow, sleeping bag, a stack of books and a flashlight.  He's especially excited to listen for croaking frogs.   The Banana set up her own tent right next door to her big…

  • Post Company Fruit Snack

    Yesterday evening we were excited to have Auntie Amy Iowa and Uncle Bryan stop by.  Their three daughters and Sarah are all off to the Badlands of North Dakota to ride horses with Auntie Dot, Gramma Kathy and Uncle Don, so Auntie Amy Iowa and Uncle Bryan stopped by on…

  • Vintage Fisher Price Goes Digital

    A few weeks ago Mr. SP found this vintage Fisher Price toy camera at our neighbor's garage sale.  He spent 75 cents, his own three quarters, and brought it home.  In comparison to his own real digital camera (eight years old and 1.1 pegapixels) the toy camera lost its luster…

  • For Only 50 Cents

    The thrifting fairies were with me last Friday.  Not only did I snatch up some great kids clothes, but I also found some great storage cubes and this terrific geoboard.  The geoboard was only 50 cents, and in perfect condition, plus it came with colorful, artistic rubber bands.  I was…

  • Ya Ya Celebrates a Half Birthday

    For her half birthday, Sarah requested playtime with her friend from up the street, and cut out sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles.  When she told me about the cookies, I said, "Really?"  I don't think I've made cut out sugar cookies for years and years.  I love making cookies,…

  • The Very Tired Knight

    He was plunked down in this chair for time out, and before we knew it, he was snoring away.  Late afternoons are tough . . . too tired to be nice, but too close to bedtime to have a nap.  

  • Everything She Loves All in One Place

    A Sugary Snack involving marshmallows and chocolate and crackers Her favorite outside chair One of her "NICE" blankets (any blanket made of fleece with a silky binding is "nice") Pajammies A baby doll with a nukie (very important) All of her family surrounding her and including her

  • Ya Ya Reads Out Loud

    The Banana and Mr. SP have recently discovered that Ya Ya is able to read a lot of their favorite books to them, and I have been blessed by seeing scenes like these happen several times over the last few days.  I love to hear her reading out loud (something…