• Escape

    It’s been hot and humid! While this makes the plants on my deck very happy, it is not my favorite weather for people by any means. To escape the thick, heavy air which makes me sweat just walking to the kitchen sink to fill up my jar of water (with…

  • Independence Day

    We spent the morning reading and practicing. Dr. Peds cooked on his slow cooking grill, and several members of the family enjoyed an epic Monopoly game. (They are still on a Monopoly craze.) The Banana and her friend made several trips to the grocery store on their bicycles to get…

  • Learned in June

    After all of that learning that happened in April and May because of Mom School, June was a much slower month around here. It’s fine. Everyone needed a little learning break and we all welcomed time to vegetate with good books and do things outside in the beautiful weather. Here…