Mud Play
It was crazy hot on Friday. Ninety degrees out of absolutely nowhere. Hot enough to make me want to crawl out of my skin. It’s never hot like that next to Lake Superior in May. In fact, the Monday before it was barely 40 degrees. We could hardly function. In the mid afternoon a thunderstorm blew through, and that turned off the furnace.
When the sun peeked out again, I told Mr. TOF to check out the hole next to the tree roots in the front yard. He came back beaming about all the mud, and I said, “Go have fun! Jump right in!”
I love mud.
Well, maybe not cleaning up mud, but mud in the moment is just plain fun, and this boy was thrilled to squish around in it.
He was less thrilled about the rinsing off with a cold garden hose, but it was followed by a warm bath (where the water turned a furious shade of brown in no time flat) and then all was well again.
Those tree roots are proving to be quite the entertainment center.