The Banana’s New Project

The Banana has been fascinated with cameras for a long time.  Mr. SP and Ya Ya both have their own ancient low quality point and shoot digital cameras that they use, and she has been dying to have one of her own.  I’ve looked and looked and haven’t found any at garage sales or thrift stores, but Dr. Peds graciously relinquished the 2.1 Argus digital camera I found for him for $2.00 at a thrift store last year, so now she has a camera of her own, and she is one happy snapping girl.  Along with the camera, of course, came the creation of her very own blog, something else she’s been asking about for ages.  If you want to see the world through the eyes of The Banana, stop here: or follow the link over in the sidebar.

Not to be outdone, of course, Mr. SP is right there taking pictures with her and blogging about it over on his blog, which you can also find in the sidebar.

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