Smurf Ring
This smurf ring was mine when I was little. I kept it in a little wooden jewelry box that had a drawer with a special cushion especially for rings. A few months ago I was home visiting my parents, and my mom had found the jewelry box to show Ya Ya and The Banana. The Banana and Mr. SP were so excited about all the rings (there was a strawberry ring, a ring with a blue sparkling jewel, and several other “kid rings”). I let them wear them, and we brought the rings home with us, where they very promptly managed to get lost, but every once in awhile this smurf ring mysteriously shows up in some very weird place in the house, and whoever finds it does a leap for joy and wears it until it’s misplaced again. The other kidlets follow that person around with jealous glances, whining, and a few mischievous plans of how they might get a hold of the ring for themselves. Sometimes that means conspiring. Last Monday Mr. SP found the ring and had a wonderful time lording it over everyone else. I’m not sure where the ring is now.