The New Garden
Mr. Sneaky Pants spent nearly an hour transplanting these wildflowers (some people call them noxious weeds, but they happen to be my very favorite summertime wildflower) from our lawn into this patch of dirt underneath the monkey bars on “Treasure Island.” Treasure Island is one of the kidlets’ favorite places to play in our yard. It is a patch of grass with bushes and trees and monkey bars suspended between the trees in the center of our semicircular driveway.
Anyway, after nap, Mr. SP came bouncing up to the door, excited for me to come and look at the surprise for me on Treasure Island. He knows how much I love those little orange wildflowers. What a sweet thing to do! (It nearly makes up for the baaaaaaaaad week he’s been having). We were both a little worried about how long the flowers might last, so we decided pictures were in order immediately.
The Banana looked at us with curious disdain. “Mama, those flowers are never going to make it. They’re right underneath the swing. They are gonna get crushed.” Actually, I think they are going to get flooded by tonight’s thunderstorm first.
One Comment
Gramma Robbie
Hey Noah, you have started the next generation of gardners, Hip Hip Hoorah!!! I love wildflowers too.